1 00:00:08,820 --> 00:00:14,310 Mary Rees: Good Morn- I guess I should say good afternoon. We'll wait just a couple minutes as people are joining our 2 00:00:15,450 --> 00:00:16,710 update for today. 3 00:00:50,010 --> 00:00:55,260 Good afternoon. We'll wait just another two minutes. Just letting people join us for this afternoon's webinar so... 4 00:00:56,430 --> 00:00:57,480 Thank you for joining us. 5 00:01:18,690 --> 00:01:20,880 We want to thank you for joining our June 15th 6 00:01:22,320 --> 00:01:29,610 Moorpark college webinar. Hope you had a restful weekend and are safe. Today's campus updates 7 00:01:30,120 --> 00:01:41,640 will include continuing our conversation on honest and respectful conversations on race and social justice. We're also going to be talking about some resources available to faculty and staff. 8 00:01:42,570 --> 00:01:46,290 We will have a fiscal update. Update from student services. 9 00:01:47,070 --> 00:01:57,510 Questions, opportunity to ask questions, and then we will have a spotlight, a special presentation. We have an opportunity to have a spot like from our child development center 10 00:01:57,990 --> 00:02:03,120 on what they're doing in the online world. And again, some opportunity for questions. 11 00:02:03,900 --> 00:02:20,340 The update is being recorded. Also, if you would like to have it read it in closed caption, please click the CC down at the bottom of your screen in order to see the closed caption version. Good afternoon, President Julius Sokenu. 12 00:02:21,600 --> 00:02:22,380 Julius Sokenu: Hi everyone. 13 00:02:22,710 --> 00:02:24,600 It's nice to be back here this 14 00:02:24,750 --> 00:02:27,240 this afternoon. I hope you had a great weekend. 15 00:02:28,800 --> 00:02:41,100 Thank you so much to those of you who have sent some great ideas of our resources that we can utilize to continue our conversation about racial equity and social justice. 16 00:02:42,000 --> 00:02:51,270 I was very impressed and humbled by the response from last week's town hall and the conversations that sort of developed from that. 17 00:02:52,050 --> 00:03:06,030 Since then, we've had the opportunity to work with the USC center for race and equity and we will be one of the colleges featured in their 18 00:03:07,110 --> 00:03:18,030 Leadership Alliance, the Equity Leadership Alliance, and I am very grateful to the Shaun Harper, the founder of that center and 19 00:03:19,170 --> 00:03:26,190 the opportunity for us to benefit from their resources. Some of you were familiar with Dr. Harper's visit to the college 20 00:03:26,700 --> 00:03:39,930 earlier in the spring semester when he shared with us some wonderful resources that they have available through the center. Well Moorpark college will be a beneficiary of those resources. So one of those resources is 21 00:03:41,730 --> 00:03:47,940 E-learning convening. They have four hour long convenings 22 00:03:49,260 --> 00:04:02,160 monthly, and those convenings will cover a range of topics. Some of those topics include confronting explicit acts of racism and racial violence on campus, 23 00:04:03,150 --> 00:04:13,020 hiring and retaining faculty of color, meaningful integration of race across the curriculum, strategic planning for racial equity, and so much more. 24 00:04:13,560 --> 00:04:25,830 And so those racial equity convening will be one of the benefits of participating in this equity alliance. There are currently over 60 community colleges in California that are participating in this alliance. 25 00:04:26,220 --> 00:04:35,910 And to be part of that group and be able to engage in rich conversation just with those 60 colleges in itself is worth the membership. 26 00:04:36,600 --> 00:04:48,150 In addition to this racial equity E-convening series, there's also virtual equity resources available in the portal and this virtual equity resources are available to all our 27 00:04:49,320 --> 00:04:57,000 faculty, staff, our student workers, as well as our managers. 24/7 accessibility, so if you have a question 28 00:04:57,450 --> 00:05:08,700 about equity, you can pose it and a professional from the center will go ahead and respond to it. And if there's a trend or a pattern that they see that will generate 29 00:05:09,360 --> 00:05:21,360 many white papers to do that work. So that's another wonderful resource that comes from this engagement. In addition to that, we get three campus climate surveys 30 00:05:21,900 --> 00:05:32,670 that we are able to utilize as a college in our planning around our work we do with equity, but also in just a regular enrollment management planning work. So this partnership 31 00:05:33,210 --> 00:05:42,270 will provide for us also the opportunity to do the work of targeting and recruiting of faculty and staff from various ethnicities. 32 00:05:42,930 --> 00:05:55,770 We are benefiting from this in coordination with the work that Center does to support the work of equity on our community community college campuses. 33 00:05:56,820 --> 00:06:11,850 I want to thank Mary Swenson. I want to thank Tammy Coleman, I want to thank Cynthia Sunal for sending me some resources that will be forwarded to you later on today. And those resources were part of a package 34 00:06:12,900 --> 00:06:13,770 that also includes 35 00:06:16,260 --> 00:06:24,540 video links. They include articles. They include series from the New York Times on race and equity. And so all of this 36 00:06:25,260 --> 00:06:41,730 are available to you as we do the work of this very pivotal conversation and I know that quite a few folks have sort of asked, how can I help? How can I move this agenda forward? And these resources will help you to do so. I also want to shout out to 37 00:06:43,170 --> 00:06:53,760 Ed Garcia and Wayne Snyder from our CNSC program. This past weekend on Saturday they celebrated a cloud day, and you may want to ask 38 00:06:55,140 --> 00:07:04,800 Ed and Wayne what cloud day is. Clearly it's not about the clouds in the sky, but it certainly is a day. Okay. Can you hear me? 39 00:07:05,520 --> 00:07:20,070 It certainly was a day to celebrate connectivity and being able to utilize the cloud as a vehicle a destination and a venue for learning. So that information about that cloud day will be 40 00:07:21,270 --> 00:07:28,680 will be online. And so you can actually access all the sessions from that. But our CNSC program, our computer science program. 41 00:07:31,080 --> 00:07:47,100 Faculty and staff have put together a wonderful workshop that illustrates the work that we're doing here at Moorpark college. So I thank all of those who were part of that activity. I am going to pass this on now to our Vice President of Business. 42 00:07:48,180 --> 00:07:49,020 Dr. Jennifer Clark. 43 00:07:50,910 --> 00:08:02,640 Jennifer Clark: Good afternoon, everybody. Happy June 15 to everybody. I want to just take a few minutes because we have a full agenda today, just a few minutes to update everybody on a couple of items, 44 00:08:03,360 --> 00:08:12,600 fiscal meeting one of them. There's not a whole lot more to report yet, but we do anticipate the governor's or I'm sorry, the state budget being 45 00:08:13,620 --> 00:08:26,100 out there for all of us to...I'll say out there and reveal to all of us very, very soon. Hopefully this week will know what that looks like for us. Remember that 46 00:08:26,820 --> 00:08:35,880 it means we will have updates to that though after taxes are collected in July. So August, that's when we'll really have the 47 00:08:36,240 --> 00:08:48,390 the real data on the budget. But we are preparing. We are working very hard. The deans and the Department heads and coordinators, directors, everyone who has 48 00:08:48,870 --> 00:09:06,150 Basically responsibility over budget is working hard on the Moorpark college version of the adoption budget. And again, we won't know exactly what the budget is going to look like for real until August, September, but we are preparing for the variety of 49 00:09:07,500 --> 00:09:10,200 outcomes that we can sort of 50 00:09:11,400 --> 00:09:20,670 That we're prepared for, right? That we can reasonably anticipate. So we're looking at hey, what would a 5% reduction look like? what would a 10% reduction look like? 51 00:09:21,300 --> 00:09:38,880 So again, we're ready for whatever comes. Overall, again, the goal for the budget is we want to, of course, minimize the impact to the fall schedule, the spring schedule. We want to minimize the impact to students. We want to be able to... 52 00:09:39,960 --> 00:09:53,310 We want to be able to help and provide services and courses to as many students as we possibly can with an eye to the future, you know, our enrollment, and what 53 00:09:54,390 --> 00:10:09,960 impact any increased enrollment may have on future FTS and funding for us. So we're always keeping that in mind as well. And of course, our own employees, you know, we want to keep everyone employed, 54 00:10:11,040 --> 00:10:20,700 you know, 100% the same. We don't want to have any layoffs, or anything like that. So, you know, we are in a soft freeze. There vacancies that we're not hiring. 55 00:10:21,060 --> 00:10:29,850 Again, we're doing everything that we can to stay in as as good a shape as we possibly can for the future and what may come. 56 00:10:31,050 --> 00:10:40,110 So I wanted to give you also a couple of two or three different areas, some updates. Very quickly financial aid, I wanted to circle back to the 57 00:10:40,830 --> 00:10:56,250 cares act money for students. So far we've been awarding now for a couple of three weeks or so. We've reached out and we've been able to help about 200 students. So far we've awarded about $120,000. 58 00:10:57,240 --> 00:11:11,700 We have allocated, out of the 2.77 million that we have in cares act funding, most of which we've saved for the fall and the spring terms, but we've allocated almost $400,000 for the summer. 59 00:11:12,840 --> 00:11:27,660 $385,000 and change. So, and we are well on our way to reaching that goal of allocating that full amount at $385,000 almost $400,000 to summer students. We were able to do 60 00:11:28,290 --> 00:11:40,050 an outreach to students over this last weekend and we got another almost 300 applications. So we think we're going to be able to allocate all of that money, which is great news for our students. 61 00:11:40,800 --> 00:11:48,540 FMO real quickly. FMO, I can't believe how busy they are all the time. I wanted to just highlight a few areas. 62 00:11:49,140 --> 00:12:04,440 You know that with Covid, with a custodial in particular, and keeping an eye on, you know, campus cleaning and, you know, being able to clean things as fast and as effectively and efficiently as possible to stay on top of 63 00:12:05,340 --> 00:12:11,040 basically, keeping our areas as clean as possible, as long as possible. We did in March 64 00:12:11,580 --> 00:12:29,670 Buy a couple of 360 degree electrostatic. They're highly sophisticated cleaning machines that allows us to basically clean up to like or like 18,000 or yeah 18,000 square feet in under an hour. So very, very efficient. 65 00:12:30,540 --> 00:12:40,650 We ordered them three months ago they finally just came in. However, the cleaning supplies that you need in order to operate the machines are still back ordered so I... 66 00:12:41,520 --> 00:12:46,470 it go goes on and on. I just wanted to kind of use that as an illustration 67 00:12:46,740 --> 00:12:54,480 for, you know, cleaning supplies and PP&E and we're on this roller coaster where some things come in after a couple of weeks and other things like 68 00:12:54,690 --> 00:13:01,110 like these, we've had them on order for three months and we're still waiting to be able to use them. So... 69 00:13:01,830 --> 00:13:14,850 We've had some lighting updates to the football stadium. I understand our football field. We've got these brand new LED lights that are going to be tested tomorrow. I understand they're you know programmable and super impressive. They can even like... 70 00:13:17,130 --> 00:13:25,500 They can shoot off, it looks like fireworks. So there's they're super, super cool, super, super cool lights that we have now in our stadium. 71 00:13:26,070 --> 00:13:30,000 In our zoo we've got, you know, Ira's enclosures are almost done. 72 00:13:30,780 --> 00:13:42,870 It's going to look a lot like a commercial Zoo habitat and, you know, Clarence our tortoise. He's getting his area redone and even some new heated concrete. So he's got a nice warm spot to lay in. 73 00:13:43,410 --> 00:13:57,420 Our Kinesiology outdoor classroom, the rubber and turf, that area that's all done. The mass spectrometer work in the PS building should be complete today. So that's getting done. And to kick off, we've got a lot of 74 00:13:57,960 --> 00:14:03,810 projects that are being kicked off this year too. We've got a baseball and softball areas. We know that 75 00:14:04,530 --> 00:14:16,620 the fencing area and the baseball areas are going to be redone in spots. And the wood backstop behind the diamond as well. And in the softball area they're getting a new backstop. 76 00:14:17,430 --> 00:14:23,310 The PAC building, our main stage, the floor surfaces all being redone 77 00:14:23,850 --> 00:14:37,020 as well as the scene shop floor. That's all being redone. We've got in the child development area their playground surfaces, that's all being redone. The attenuating surfaces for the children there. 78 00:14:37,740 --> 00:14:48,090 In technology we've got an unbelievable amount of equipment that's gone out. Over 200 laptops been loaned out to students and students and staff and faculty. 79 00:14:48,450 --> 00:15:00,030 We've bought a lot of new equipment. We've bought 100 new Chromebooks, which are all ready to go to be loaned out. And in fact, Dan McMichael tells me that they're already loaning out 80 00:15:01,170 --> 00:15:13,860 brand new Chromebooks to students, which is wonderful. We've got, you know, EOPS ordered a bunch and they're ready to go out to the EOPS students. We've got just and a variety of other updates and maintenance in 81 00:15:14,670 --> 00:15:19,380 that the folks that in technology are able to do remotely. It's just amazing. 82 00:15:19,680 --> 00:15:32,490 The remote work that they can do, people need help, assistance, they can dial right in over, you know, over the wireless over the, over the network and help people with their, their problems, their techie problems so. 83 00:15:33,030 --> 00:15:42,630 Just an amazing amount of work. I just wanted to give a shout out to the entire business services team. They are working very, very hard. Thank you, Julius. I'll turn it back over to you. 84 00:15:47,400 --> 00:15:48,360 Mary: Thank you, Jennifer. 85 00:15:50,310 --> 00:15:54,990 I wanted just to talk a little bit on the... 86 00:15:57,210 --> 00:16:00,390 On resources as we start the second summer session. 87 00:16:01,320 --> 00:16:14,220 We wish well to all the faculty and staff supporting our students here on their summer. We're really proud of how many students are enrolled in our summer sessions and we want to thank the faculty and staff and welcome the students. 88 00:16:15,030 --> 00:16:25,380 We're anxious for them to keep going, moving towards their educational goals. So we appreciate all of the work going on this summer from all to continue to make this happen 89 00:16:26,010 --> 00:16:37,260 in a basically online environment. One of the things we try to do over the summer is to provide resources for people. As Julius mentioned, we have a lot of resources. 90 00:16:38,250 --> 00:16:51,150 And including on our webpage, we have under announcements, it calls out resources for people of color and allies. There's some really good resources there as well as additional ones that will be mailed out today. 91 00:16:52,860 --> 00:17:00,660 We also have resources available to help you prepare for your online courses or your hybrid courses on the next slide. 92 00:17:02,400 --> 00:17:19,590 You can sit talk about our DE certification and it's absolutely incredible. Since April 149 faculty have participated in our DE certification and for 78 are signed up for the July 6 session. 93 00:17:20,220 --> 00:17:36,810 If you want to sign up for the DE certification. You still can sign up for the July 6 session in the Q&A there'll be a link there where you can go to, it's on our DE page and you can register for the DE certification. 94 00:17:37,890 --> 00:17:40,800 The DE certification, you are paid for it, 95 00:17:41,820 --> 00:17:52,320 I believe 10 hours, and you notify your dean, in order to fill out, sheet will be filled out so that you can be be paid for that certification. 96 00:17:52,650 --> 00:17:59,820 The certification is a really important step about providing, continuing Moorpark excellence in education to the students. 97 00:18:00,180 --> 00:18:08,160 It helps us provide not only a comfort with the technology, but also the pedagogy that's required in order to do our best in the DE world. 98 00:18:08,790 --> 00:18:16,800 For those of you that are already were D certified and want to do a re-certification 19 faculty have done the self-paced 99 00:18:17,370 --> 00:18:34,410 DE re-certification since April and 25 have signed up for the re-certification which starts today. If you want to sign up for the one that starts today and you were certified in the past but want to update yourself on some of the new requirements, 100 00:18:36,060 --> 00:18:42,330 that are in place and all that. Please go to the same web page under the DE 101 00:18:43,350 --> 00:19:04,890 page and sign up for it. You also will be compensated. I believe it's five hours for attending and participating in the re-certification programs. So it's absolutely incredible. The number of faculty that have taken on the DE certification or re-certification so they can be 102 00:19:06,060 --> 00:19:07,890 in the best place to help our students. 103 00:19:08,970 --> 00:19:21,750 On the next slide we have some other resources that are available that are free to faculty and staff. There's the Online Teaching Conference that starts this week, and you've got the registration 104 00:19:22,650 --> 00:19:37,080 address right there, and that is a free and it's always been a really a strong conference to help you get up to speed as far as some of the new advances and different things that are going on in the online teaching world. 105 00:19:37,860 --> 00:19:46,320 Also in this new world we are dealing remotely. So there's a conference going on with how to interact and how to set up 106 00:19:47,700 --> 00:20:00,510 the same kind of interactions, you would have in person in the remote world, and this is another free conference. These are just examples of two of the many conferences that are being available remotely 107 00:20:01,710 --> 00:20:13,800 to our faculty part time and full time as well as I'm sure if some of the staff are interested in these are basically for faculty, but if you're interested, let us know and we'll see what we can do on that as well. 108 00:20:14,850 --> 00:20:27,060 So we have a lot of resources available to faculty and staff to help prepare people for continuing in our post COVID or our current COVID world on that. 109 00:20:28,620 --> 00:20:31,800 Amanuel do you have some comments as well? 110 00:20:32,250 --> 00:20:34,530 Amanuel Gebru: Yes, just a updates, thank you Mary 111 00:20:35,190 --> 00:20:36,630 Just want to let everyone know that 112 00:20:36,750 --> 00:20:46,770 EOPS is still accepting applications. So if you have some students that are interested or that you can encourage please reach out to the EOPS office or Marnie Melendez. 113 00:20:47,790 --> 00:20:51,540 Also First Year Experience is also continuing accept students 114 00:20:53,070 --> 00:21:08,670 reach out to their office as well, or you can reach out to Claudia Sitlington in the FYE office so please encourage students to join EOPS or First Year Experience as they are continuing to support or bring in additional new students for the fall. 115 00:21:09,750 --> 00:21:25,260 Counseling continues to see students and supports to do so if you have new students taking summer school classes, they have questions please encourage them to make an appointment with our counseling office to get their ED plans, then, or get situated for fall semester. 116 00:21:26,850 --> 00:21:46,650 In addition to that, our Professional Development Committee and tri-chairs continue to work hard to finalize the Flex Week schedule and are also working to find the best venue to have additional discussions on race and continue that conversation. So thank you to Beth and Howard and 117 00:21:50,370 --> 00:21:55,260 and all those folks that are working hard to ensure that there is support for our professional development. 118 00:21:57,870 --> 00:22:00,810 Mary: Have some really good questions. 119 00:22:02,700 --> 00:22:07,800 One of the questions deals with computers. How do students go about that need to 120 00:22:09,120 --> 00:22:13,860 need to need a computer, either for the summer or fall or one that needs 121 00:22:14,280 --> 00:22:14,700 one that 122 00:22:15,690 --> 00:22:16,620 needs certain software? 123 00:22:18,840 --> 00:22:25,170 Jennifer: I saw the question about certain software because I assume that was because I talked about Chromebooks. 124 00:22:25,530 --> 00:22:33,810 So technology is loaning out both Chromebooks and laptops. So depending on what classes, the students are taking 125 00:22:34,230 --> 00:22:45,360 if they're only web based classes and then Chromebooks will be fine, but if there's certain software like the example was given a business class if there are, you know, Microsoft Office 126 00:22:45,780 --> 00:23:04,650 software that the student needs to use then Chromebooks not going to work for those students, they will be given a laptop in terms of loaning laptops, it's still best to go have the student reach out to Financial Aid, have them complete, if they have not completed a FAFSA already 127 00:23:05,670 --> 00:23:12,480 then please or have them reach out to Financial Aid. Financial Aid will actually assist them and completing the document. 128 00:23:13,290 --> 00:23:21,360 Kim Korinke, when I asked her how long it can take how long about it takes to complete a FAFSA about 15 minutes 129 00:23:21,630 --> 00:23:41,280 So if particularly with some assistance, you know, and it's such a key, that's such a key document also for CARES funding. There was another question about, you know, CARES funding and it has students being invited, we have to in order for a CARES student to be eligible 130 00:23:42,570 --> 00:23:53,430 we have to prove basically that they have eligibility and the only way for us to know whether or not a student is eligible for CARES Act money is if they've either completed the kid the FAFSA 131 00:23:53,790 --> 00:24:10,380 or the California Dream Act Application. So that's really the gateway to CARES Act funding or getting a laptop, etc, have them work with Financial Aid fill out that document and away they go. 132 00:24:11,670 --> 00:24:12,540 Mary: So Jennifer 133 00:24:12,780 --> 00:24:24,870 So if you had a student. So somebody has a student that they think needs help from CARE and that would you recommend that that they send an email to Kim Korinke, as well as the students so that they can 134 00:24:26,280 --> 00:24:28,260 help get the support for the student? 135 00:24:29,610 --> 00:24:37,740 Jennifer: If they feel that's necessary. I mean, obviously we don't want to bombard Financial Aid with two or three emails for every single student 136 00:24:38,460 --> 00:24:48,930 students can certainly reach directly out to Financial Aid themselves, that's fine. But if the faculty feels like you know the student I feel like they're not, you know, 137 00:24:49,200 --> 00:25:00,750 they need some extra help. I mean, please have them use their judgment, if they feel that that will help the student needs it, then, of course, absolutely. Let's do everything we can to help our students. 138 00:25:01,470 --> 00:25:12,630 Mary: Thank you. A question, too, about when the decision will be made on the budget as to what cuts and what level of cuts, questions as to when that decision will be made? 139 00:25:13,020 --> 00:25:23,910 Jennifer: So I actually typed the response already so you can see the written response, everybody, but because of the delay in the budget process this year 140 00:25:24,540 --> 00:25:32,820 from the state level all the way down our adoption budget is not going to our board until October this year, 141 00:25:33,300 --> 00:25:40,710 which means, so let's back up. What does that mean in terms of our final decisions here in order to make that October deadline? 142 00:25:41,220 --> 00:25:45,810 Really we're going to know we're going to have to make that decision, certainly, by the end of July. 143 00:25:46,410 --> 00:25:58,350 We'll have the tax information from the state, state will know approx what revenue is going to look what revenues are going to look like. And so we'll be able to make some more definite determinations for the for the next fiscal year. 144 00:25:59,790 --> 00:26:07,200 Mary: Thank you, there was questions about fall. Fall scheduling is going to be online 145 00:26:08,070 --> 00:26:15,240 with the exception of our tier ones which are required to be on ground and our courses that are hard to transition. 146 00:26:15,660 --> 00:26:32,160 Any of the courses or programs that are hard to transition, they needed to have turned in last week, their plans on how they would do the social distancing and provide a safe environment to offer those courses on ground. 147 00:26:33,420 --> 00:26:37,530 Those are going to, are currently being reviewed and then the 148 00:26:39,030 --> 00:26:48,690 will be reviewed here on campus and then they'll be reviewed at the district and then go to Public Health for approval, but even the ones that are going to be 149 00:26:50,130 --> 00:27:04,140 with some level of on ground are basically there'll be a heavy online all lectures are online, and then we're going to be working to see what level, we can provide for on ground, in addition to that. 150 00:27:05,280 --> 00:27:07,710 Julius, is that where we are still? 151 00:27:10,560 --> 00:27:12,780 Julius: Yes, that is exactly where we are still. 152 00:27:15,810 --> 00:27:17,010 Mary: Thank you. Julius: Sure. 153 00:27:18,570 --> 00:27:24,210 Mary: There were questions about our web page. Many of you know we are in transitioning to a new 154 00:27:25,410 --> 00:27:29,040 a new web system, our look will change will have 155 00:27:30,060 --> 00:27:35,130 a lot of new opportunities as far as in facing and out facing for our students. 156 00:27:38,370 --> 00:27:43,500 There is currently training going on, and there'll be additional training that will be coming, I believe. 157 00:27:49,440 --> 00:27:59,160 I can tell you there is will and those that would like to be trained please let your dean know or you can let me know and we will get you additional training. 158 00:27:59,430 --> 00:28:12,270 so that you can modify, they're going to be converting what we currently have into the new system, and I believe the dates currently are believe in July, anyone know a newer update than that 159 00:28:13,230 --> 00:28:24,690 that will be converting over in July to the new system? We are very excited. There will be a few bumps as, as there always is particularly with transitioning over the summer with less people around, but 160 00:28:25,170 --> 00:28:34,500 we all know the critical importance of our online image as that's our way we have of communicating with our students in our community. So 161 00:28:35,040 --> 00:28:46,470 we'll need to do some work to try to update and provide additional information and resources on the web pages and we will get training for people and anyone interested just let your dean know. 162 00:28:51,360 --> 00:28:53,970 If you have additional questions, we'll come back to them, 163 00:28:55,410 --> 00:29:02,610 afterwards. And right now, could we focus or be able to do our spotlight on the Child Development Center? 164 00:29:13,110 --> 00:29:23,370 Cindy Sheaks-McGowan (she/her): So hi, everybody. I'm Cindy Sheaks-McGowan and I'm one of the Child Development faculty and I have with me, Angie Gomez, who is one of our 165 00:29:24,000 --> 00:29:44,850 teachers in the Child Development Lab. And when a few weeks ago when Mary invited us to share about some success, success stories moving online. I wanted to take that opportunity and share a little bit with you about what we were able to accomplish. Because, like many of you. 166 00:29:45,930 --> 00:29:55,800 our lab was not an easy thing to consider how we might do that in a remote setting, if we want to move to the next slide. 167 00:29:59,940 --> 00:30:08,130 Some of you are very familiar with our program, but perhaps some of you aren't so I put together just kind of a montage of pictures 168 00:30:08,850 --> 00:30:14,430 of some of the activities that you would normally see the children involved in, and our students involved in 169 00:30:15,060 --> 00:30:22,830 at the Child Development Lab and in our Child Development classroom or classrooms for adult students so 170 00:30:23,340 --> 00:30:37,170 you can see here that the children in these pictures are moving around, they're outside in some of them. They are together very close together, they're not they're not socially distanced 171 00:30:37,530 --> 00:30:46,050 I can tell you if there were any audio that went along with this, they would be, there would be a hum of conversation, there would be 172 00:30:46,680 --> 00:30:53,940 interactions between the children, and of course, between the adults and the children. So you can see sometimes 173 00:30:54,270 --> 00:31:04,260 our children went into our classes, like into my adult classes that I teach, and other times our students go into the lab where the children are 174 00:31:04,890 --> 00:31:13,530 and then I think other times you've seen on campus that we make use of a lot of the campus spaces and a lot of the campus resources to promote 175 00:31:13,830 --> 00:31:24,480 the children's learning. So you'll see there's a picture of the children in the Ceramics Lab. There's another picture of the children out on campus playing a game of Duck Duck Goose. So our 176 00:31:25,500 --> 00:31:34,410 Our program was really focused on being a connected community of learners, adults and children, and 177 00:31:34,860 --> 00:31:47,130 We really focus on children learning through relationship and even our students learning through relationship. And so the thought of then having to disconnect and move apart seemed very difficult. 178 00:31:47,910 --> 00:32:00,540 The other thing in Early Childhood Education that's so important is that children need to engage in active experiences. So you don't know you notice in these pictures and none of the children are are doing a worksheet, 179 00:32:01,560 --> 00:32:09,510 they're not sitting idly in front of a screen, in fact, oftentimes we discourage screen time but now we had to figure out a way to use screens 180 00:32:09,870 --> 00:32:21,270 that was going to be somehow beneficial and meaningful to the children and the families and we wanted to do this in such a way that our students would continue to learn. I had heard from some 181 00:32:21,840 --> 00:32:27,390 colleagues across the state that they were going to put their labs on hold and we just thought that that wasn't 182 00:32:27,720 --> 00:32:39,990 an acceptable option because our students have goals and also there was some really important things our students could learn about being resilient and responding to children and families in this really important. 183 00:32:40,740 --> 00:32:51,060 So maybe we can move on to the next slide and Angelina, Angie will come on and share a little bit about some of the things that they did in the Child Development Center when we got this rolling... 184 00:32:52,650 --> 00:33:04,710 Angelina Gomez: Good morning, or actually, good afternoon, everybody. Thank you for having Cindy and I and allowing us to spotlight the Child Development Center. We're so proud of our students. They did. 185 00:33:05,280 --> 00:33:14,220 an amazing job of adapting this semester, to quickly point out, though, that the majority of the students that are practicum students 186 00:33:14,610 --> 00:33:27,750 we're currently working with children in some capacity, whether it be in childcare, after school care. And so not only did the students have to transition to online learning, they also lost their jobs. 187 00:33:28,140 --> 00:33:38,700 So it was a, you know, it's very crucial to connect with them as soon as possible, and I have to commend the college. First off by saying that 188 00:33:39,840 --> 00:33:49,530 you know, setting up the emergency fund, making sure that we always knew when the food pantry was open, you know, the health center what they were providing 189 00:33:50,100 --> 00:33:58,260 was huge, you know, for students because I was able to pass on all that information. So going to these campus updates were so important. 190 00:33:58,530 --> 00:34:10,080 And so whenever I met with students, I was able to pass on those links and that information, and I have to say probably almost all of them applied for the grant money so, but moving on, we had to then 191 00:34:11,160 --> 00:34:22,710 try to find a way for them to fulfill what was left of the semester through Zoom, and Zoom has been it's been pretty, you know, great it's really easy to use and so 192 00:34:23,640 --> 00:34:34,080 we were able to set up meetings with our families, weekly, and within those meetings the students were able to join and implement their own group time and 193 00:34:34,560 --> 00:34:40,080 you know, on top of them, not working and having to, you know, work remotely they 194 00:34:40,920 --> 00:34:49,410 weren't able to actually go to stores and buy materials. So they had to use whatever they had at home and so like one of my students, Kayla she 195 00:34:49,770 --> 00:34:58,020 she used like foam and made ducks and put little straps behind them and put them on her fingers and so she was able to, you know, sing the five little ducks song. 196 00:34:58,380 --> 00:35:10,050 And another student, you know, used cardboard and and another student, you know, used her shirt and put some flannel on it and she was able to stick, you know, flannel pieces onto her shirt. It was, it was, you know, 197 00:35:10,560 --> 00:35:26,520 such a great experience, I think, you know, I felt closer to the students because we were working so closely together. And I have to say, you know, I'm really impressed that nobody, nobody dropped out. Nobody you know 198 00:35:27,930 --> 00:35:36,360 nobody left and they finished out the semester and they finished out strong and so they had to take on some new experiences like writing 199 00:35:36,900 --> 00:35:50,460 a learning story for the children and and you know just something a little different than they would normally do, but they attended, every group meeting they attended the yoga sessions. And so they were very much involved. 200 00:35:51,750 --> 00:35:53,310 And I'll pass it on to Cindy now. 201 00:35:55,440 --> 00:36:02,550 Cindy: And then maybe I'll add that in addition to the live Zoom meetings, we thought it might also be helpful for families who 202 00:36:02,910 --> 00:36:09,450 were struggling to balance the the computer time between multiple children and their and their own work situations. 203 00:36:09,750 --> 00:36:21,780 We also wanted to make some opportunities for children to be able to see some of their beloved teachers and student teachers reading to them. So one of the pictures on the right, our student Cassie with her with her rabbit, 204 00:36:22,530 --> 00:36:40,080 they created a recording then that the children could watch whenever, whenever they wanted to. I think that was really a nice balance, live meetings, but also other kinds of asynchronous opportunities to remember the class and be connected. When we move on to the next slide. 205 00:36:41,430 --> 00:36:48,270 So in addition to the group meetings, there's other kinds of learning that happens in early childhood, and so we had to figure out how we were going to have some 206 00:36:49,200 --> 00:36:52,950 experiences that might be similar to what the children would do 207 00:36:53,430 --> 00:37:06,060 at school, but obviously at home, so we were challenged to think about what kinds of materials are readily available at home to children and families. So this picture here is, even though her face is cropped off, this is one of our students. 208 00:37:06,690 --> 00:37:15,450 Maisam and she planned with the families to do an activity in early childhood, they call it making volcanoes, it's mixing 209 00:37:16,170 --> 00:37:22,950 baking soda and vinegar together to watch the the chemical reaction that takes place. So at the 210 00:37:23,640 --> 00:37:37,740 meeting time that they were all planned all the families and their respective spaces had the materials that they were going to need, and then our student teacher Maisam lead them through the experience. So if we go to the next slide. 211 00:37:39,510 --> 00:37:41,250 You'll see that 212 00:37:43,590 --> 00:37:53,280 there was a human reaction, in addition, in addition to the chemical reaction that the that the children were exploring and discussing and that's one of the things that we were really after, so 213 00:37:54,510 --> 00:38:01,170 one of our children here saying, "Did you see that?", so he was still being part of a group exploring together and experiencing that joy 214 00:38:01,440 --> 00:38:12,840 and that's something that we really didn't want to let go of because our students need to be thinking about how they're going to promote that as they as they move out into the world and and become teachers and in other programs. 215 00:38:15,000 --> 00:38:15,750 Next slide. 216 00:38:19,710 --> 00:38:20,940 That's for Angie. Angelina: Yeah, 217 00:38:21,000 --> 00:38:21,990 I'll talk about this. 218 00:38:22,290 --> 00:38:26,670 In addition to practicum students utilizing the lab, we also have 219 00:38:26,970 --> 00:38:40,590 observation students who come in daily and as well as interns, and so, Cindy Sheaks-McGowan and Shannon Coulter are usually faculty advisors for these interns. So I had a coordinate with them 220 00:38:41,130 --> 00:38:48,360 on what we should do with our interns, you know, as we were working remotely. And so this is Teanna she 221 00:38:48,750 --> 00:38:55,890 was a former practicum student she finished her practicum and she's a student worker, as well as an intern and so 222 00:38:56,340 --> 00:39:05,100 what she did to you know, to fulfill her internship. She made videos as well, and so she had a cooking show every week 223 00:39:05,820 --> 00:39:11,970 and within that cooking show, she would read a story. Last night, she did some, you know, 224 00:39:12,540 --> 00:39:23,220 paint prints with, you know, flowers and leaves. And so she tries to do different type of examples of what we would do it, you know, at school, and then she cooks and 225 00:39:23,670 --> 00:39:31,260 what's happened because of that children have been requesting certain recipes and, you know, so she'll made she made 226 00:39:31,920 --> 00:39:41,220 cotton candy fudge and so she will also do that. So every week she sends me a video and as you can see here there's Lottie cooking 227 00:39:41,490 --> 00:39:54,990 and that's her mom sharing, you know, pictures of that. And so I do ask the parents to then share pictures of what their children are doing, so then we could see that you know what we're doing remotely is transferring you know to their home. 228 00:39:56,580 --> 00:39:56,910 Okay. 229 00:39:59,250 --> 00:39:59,880 Cindy: Next slide. 230 00:40:03,960 --> 00:40:15,870 So I love this Angie. I don't know if you want to share it, but one of the mothers even wrote this lovely note to express how how important this was to them. 231 00:40:22,710 --> 00:40:34,230 Okay, I guess, I'll go ahead and I'll read it says "Hi Miss Angie, we miss you all and hope you're doing well, thanks for sending over teacher Teanna's cooking shows Lottie really enjoys them. We watched both this morning. 232 00:40:34,590 --> 00:40:42,300 And had to have a smoothie for breakfast after. Tonight, Lottie helped make dinner we made salmon roasted potatoes and green beans. See you tomorrow, 233 00:40:42,750 --> 00:40:55,020 Marcella. and to me what's really valuable about this is obviously that social connection that children and families really needed but there's also a learning connection. One of the reasons that we do a lot of cooking in early childhood programs is cooking involves 234 00:40:56,850 --> 00:41:12,120 learning to make sure you wash your hands properly, measuring things properly, so, it involves math and involves reading a recipe and involves involves a lot of different kinds of learning content that the families could still continue to do at home. 235 00:41:14,430 --> 00:41:16,050 Maybe we'll move on to the next slide. 236 00:41:17,250 --> 00:41:25,230 Actually this is our last group of pictures. So one of the other things we continued with was our weekly 237 00:41:25,950 --> 00:41:32,400 yoga times with our yoga teacher Afi Kobari,, she's in the top picture there and 238 00:41:32,940 --> 00:41:39,090 We do this regularly in the center every week and we wanted to continue that sense of routine and connection for the children, 239 00:41:39,420 --> 00:41:52,650 and so on a weekly basis Affie has continued to meet with the different classrooms of children and their families have also joined, and also she did yoga groups for our teachers and our student teachers. 240 00:41:53,010 --> 00:42:00,570 And I think at this particular point in time, mindfulness is really important and and having children experience the 241 00:42:01,650 --> 00:42:11,430 the joy first of all, the physical movement that's involved in the yoga, but also that extra element of self regulation and breathing and calming down and 242 00:42:11,670 --> 00:42:24,090 and even exploring emotions about what was happening at that particular moment in their lives I think was really valuable. So, and, and these pictures I think are just their precious, but they also represent some important learning 243 00:42:24,990 --> 00:42:37,020 and so you'll see the two children on the one side, demonstrating the Lion Pose. And then you'll see the child on the other hand, doing her doing her important stretching. So this was 244 00:42:37,680 --> 00:42:48,240 a wonderful opportunity to see, even though we didn't have it in this particular picture. It was a great opportunity to see the parents also engaged in this in this activity. 245 00:42:51,210 --> 00:42:52,740 Angie, did you want to add anything? 246 00:42:54,930 --> 00:42:56,970 Angelina: You know, I just wanted to say, you know, 247 00:42:57,540 --> 00:43:02,190 how important it was that we all stay engaged with the families and the 248 00:43:02,250 --> 00:43:07,560 you know, in the children and the students Affie's a good example of that, because she 249 00:43:08,280 --> 00:43:15,600 you know, was feeling very disconnected because she wasn't at the center that was her only connection to the families, so I have to, kind of, you know, say, you know, 250 00:43:16,020 --> 00:43:26,700 I'm so proud of her, she learned how to do Zoom for the first time, and she's never used Zoom before. And she was so grateful to have that opportunity to stay connected, and so it really 251 00:43:27,660 --> 00:43:36,720 you know, it was important to keep everybody you know, connected and stay a community even when we're not together, finding ways to do that. 252 00:43:38,400 --> 00:43:48,750 Mary: Thank you, Cindy and Angelina and I really appreciate all the great ideas and the great work that was being done there. There is a question that asked, will the child development center be open in the fall? 253 00:43:51,330 --> 00:43:52,830 Cindy: Did you want me to answer that? 254 00:43:54,240 --> 00:43:55,200 Or yeah 255 00:43:56,940 --> 00:43:57,150 Yes. Mary: That would be great. 256 00:43:58,710 --> 00:44:00,900 Cindy: So at the moment, the child development center 257 00:44:01,230 --> 00:44:01,860 is going to be closed in 258 00:44:03,690 --> 00:44:04,350 the fall 259 00:44:04,890 --> 00:44:18,000 and so we're continuing to plan moving forward on how we're going to build on these successes that we've already experienced and make it meaningful for our students and for our end for our community. 260 00:44:21,840 --> 00:44:25,470 Mary: Julius, do you have any other comments related to the Child Development Center? 261 00:44:26,220 --> 00:44:40,530 Julius: Yes, I think it's very important. I want to thank Angie and Cindy for the presentation and more importantly, the fact that they continue to build these connections to the families, as I've been saying every week, 262 00:44:41,640 --> 00:44:50,190 our goal is to make sure that we try as best as possible to retain the integrity of our curriculum and providing opportunities for students to learn 263 00:44:50,640 --> 00:45:00,150 and the Child Development Center continues to do that in really remarkable ways both, for our college students as well as the youngsters and the Child Development Center. 264 00:45:01,710 --> 00:45:14,700 Yes, the center for now will be online in the fall and our hope is that as we migrate from stage three to stage four that we can then, you know, revisit that and adjust accordingly. 265 00:45:15,420 --> 00:45:27,330 But for now, the intention is to continue providing these opportunities for children and their families to engage the Child Development Center staff, the curriculum or program, 266 00:45:27,690 --> 00:45:37,380 and it is an NAEYC accredited program. They're very few of those in the country. So we're very proud of that work and creating other opportunities for students, 267 00:45:38,580 --> 00:45:44,730 both the youngsters and our college students to interact on through these technology medium of remote learning. 268 00:45:47,550 --> 00:45:53,130 Mary: Thank you. Julius, there's questions about when faculty will be allowed to come on campus to their offices. 269 00:45:55,470 --> 00:46:07,170 Julius: Yes, so again, we are not encouraging faculty to come on campus to their offices unless there's something really essential that needs to happen and that they can do by communicating the need to their 270 00:46:08,130 --> 00:46:20,400 division dean or their supervisor and that supervisor will assess that, and then they will be able to determine if it is essential for them to come on campus. 271 00:46:21,180 --> 00:46:36,750 But we are again, still in stay-at-home order and we are still trying our very best to mitigate risk. So I appreciate faculty and staff who can work from home or other remote locations to please keep doing so. 272 00:46:39,690 --> 00:46:40,050 Mary: Thank you. 273 00:46:42,030 --> 00:46:50,100 There was a call out to John Sinutko and the whole group for all the fabulous work on campus as well as supporting the food pantry. 274 00:46:56,640 --> 00:47:08,790 There's a question too, to ask him what's the best way to get the information out to students about free Wi Fi on top of the parking structure, computers, availability of software, 275 00:47:09,330 --> 00:47:19,200 There was a conversation or a question about the Adobe Suite, that's no longer going to be free after July, how can we provide that for our students that need it? 276 00:47:21,540 --> 00:47:27,570 Jennifer: Well, I know that I've had conversations with Dan. We know that. Yeah, I think, first or second week of July. 277 00:47:27,960 --> 00:47:47,580 That free pass on the Adobe Suite is ending. I know, Dan is looking at ways look getting quotes. How can we continue to provide that that software for our students. So know that that's something that we're looking into ask for getting the word out. I know that Julius sends out 278 00:47:48,630 --> 00:48:04,440 you know, he sends out periodic messages directly to the students. I know our new website right so posting items on our website, keeping people abreast of where they can get information and where to go, 279 00:48:06,660 --> 00:48:21,060 you know, all of those things and and also through you through the faculty, you know, by you attending these sessions and hearing the information, you know, you're also an probably one of the best sources, if not the best source for our students. 280 00:48:24,240 --> 00:48:34,560 Mary: Thank you, Jennifer. There was a question about how we let the students know about the the courses and the courses are going to be updated in the class schedule 281 00:48:35,310 --> 00:48:44,760 online so that the students will be able to see whether the courses online or on ground or is a hybrid where you come in for 282 00:48:45,420 --> 00:49:00,600 some of the programs have been very creative and tend to have the students come in, hopefully, just a couple of times during the semester to meet the outcomes that that they they need to. And I've heard some faculty with some interesting conversations about 283 00:49:01,740 --> 00:49:11,490 having a Zoom meeting for majors and talk about the requirements for those courses so that the students can know ahead of time what kind of 284 00:49:13,110 --> 00:49:25,800 computers, what kind of software, what kind of equipment so that we can help the students meet all of those requirements. So if your discipline wants to have a group emails or 285 00:49:27,000 --> 00:49:33,660 workout something so you can communicate with all the people within those majors, please reach out to your deans and we'll try to work 286 00:49:34,440 --> 00:49:41,940 on, because I think that initial communication to the faculty or to the students before the semester starts is going to be absolutely critical this year. 287 00:49:43,860 --> 00:49:58,530 We also are looking for suggestions on best ways to communicate that, Amanuel, do you have some maybe some update as far as how services will be available online and how we will let students know about what services are available? 288 00:49:59,280 --> 00:50:15,540 Amanuel: Yes, we will be sending out emails, text messages to students as soon as we have everything finalized for the on ground and online classes. So we're hoping send something after Wednesday to all of our students to let them know what classes are online and what courses will be on ground. 289 00:50:18,210 --> 00:50:18,750 Mary: Thank you. 290 00:50:23,880 --> 00:50:25,230 Julius, do you have any 291 00:50:26,700 --> 00:50:29,910 last suggestions or comments for the group for this week? 292 00:50:30,900 --> 00:50:53,490 Julius: Sure, I just want to thank everyone who's been working towards making sure that we can reach out to our community, to our students, and particularly to those students who are incoming to the college. Enrollment for the fall, as you probably have heard of or seen is growing and 293 00:50:54,600 --> 00:51:01,140 we are very grateful that we have a reputation as a college for 294 00:51:02,460 --> 00:51:11,430 excellence, for innovation, for promoting student success. And so we see those students who are looking for a place to transition 295 00:51:12,810 --> 00:51:20,160 between high school and then going to a four year institution and those students are choosing us. They are choosing Moorpark College. 296 00:51:21,540 --> 00:51:35,760 Incredible numbers in comparison to our sister colleges and so I am very grateful for the work that you all do to set that reputation and that reputation has stood us in good stead, as we are doing this work. 297 00:51:36,840 --> 00:51:53,910 Again, you know, we've been talking on an ongoing way in terms of what the fall might look like. Majority of the fall instruction is online. I would count that we at least 80% of our instructional the online and hybrid and that is only about 20% or a little bit less that will be on ground. 298 00:51:54,960 --> 00:52:03,540 Mary and the deans and the faculty lead and the service folks have all been doing tremendous work trying to get this to fit 299 00:52:04,050 --> 00:52:09,510 and trying to get this to work, knowing that we will have to practice social distancing, 300 00:52:10,380 --> 00:52:30,480 knowing that there's an increased cost of delivery of instruction as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. So we're all trying our very best to so make the right decisions right decisions that will lead to and sustain a safe inclusive supportive learning environment. 301 00:52:31,650 --> 00:52:34,200 I appreciate the work that you're doing and 302 00:52:35,760 --> 00:52:47,790 look forward to connecting with you. I will be on vacation, next week on Monday. So I will not be available for the for our weekly campus update, but I look forward to joining the update the following week 303 00:52:49,380 --> 00:52:54,240 after that. Have a great rest of the week. And thank you so much for the work that you do for us. 304 00:52:58,980 --> 00:53:00,900 Mary: Thank you all have a great week. 305 00:53:09,960 --> 00:53:10,560 Cindy: Thank you, 306 00:53:11,040 --> 00:53:11,550 see you later.